Stúkuhúsiđ  restaurant  - café

Matseđill –Menu


Smáréttur – forréttur / Light meal - starter

Grafinn og reyktur lax međ ristuđu brauđi og graflaxsósu.

Cured and smoked salmon with toast and dill sauce                                                                                               1970 kr

Caprese salat mozzarella , tomatoes and basil oil                                                                                            1490 kr

Súpa dagsins / Soup of the day

Spyrjiđ ţjóninn eđa sjáiđ á krítartöflu             --------------               Ask the waiter or see the chalk board

Ađalréttir / Main courses   

Lamba - file međ ofnbökuđum kartöflum, grćnmeti og piparsósu / bernaise

Fillet of lamb with potatoes,vegetables and pepper sauce / bernaise                                                                4990 kr

Lamba - ribeye                                                                                                                                                 4490 kr

Fiskur dagsins – Fish of the day – Ask the waiter or see the chalk board                                       3790- 3990 kr


Barnaskammtar -  children                                                                                                                                        

Fiskur dagsins – fish of the day                                                                                                                     1150 kr                                                                                                                                                            

Lamba- steik –  lamb- steak                                                                                                                           1650 kr                                                                                                         



Bökur / Quiche

Grćnmetis-baka / Vegetable quiche – Speltbotn međ grćnmetisfyllingu úr sćtum kartöflum, lauk, blómkáli, gulrótum, spergilkáli, papriku, rjómaosti, eggjum og rjóma, krydd. Borin fram međ sólskinssósu og salati.

Spelt quiche – sweet potatoes, onion, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, peppers, cream cheese, eggs and cream, spice.

Served with basil-sauce and salad.                                                                                                                               2400 kr


Kjúklinga-baka / Chicken quiche  – Speltbotn međ kjúkling, lauk, sveppum, papriku, rjómaosti og salsasósu. Borin fram međ salsa-sósu, sýrđum rjóma og salati.

Bćta viđ nachos  170 kr

Spelt quiche – chicken, onion, mushrooms, peppers, cream cheese and salsa-sauce

Served with salsa-sauce, sour-cream and salad.               Add nachos 170 kr extra                                             2400kr


Vinsamlega látiđ vita af fćđu-ofnćmi !

Please let us know if you have food allergies !



Salat / Salad

Kjúklingasalat  Salat, kjúklingur, radísur, epli, tómatar, kínóa, beikon, fetaostur og nachos.          

Boriđ fram međ brauđi og smjöri.

Salad, chicken , radish , apple ,tomatoes ,kínóa, bacon, feta-cheese and nachos.

Served with bread and butter.                                                                                                                                        2590 kr


Vegan salat Ferskt salat,tómatar,agúrka,paprika,radísur,epli,ólífur,kínóa,nachos og dressing.

Fresh salad, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, radish ,apple, olives, kínóa ,sesamdressing and nachos.

Served with bread.                                                                                                                                            2390 kr                                         

Salat međ serano hráskinku –Ferskt salat, mozzarella, tómatar, serano-skinka, paprika, ólívur, döđlur , frćblanda, ólívu-olía međ basiliku.         Boriđ fram međ brauđi og smjöri.

Fresh salad, mozzarella, tomatoes, serano-ham, peppers, olives, dates, seed, olive oil with basil.

Served with bread and butter.                                                                                                                                     2690 kr                                                                                                          


Samlokur / Sandwiches

Stúkuloka – Gróft brauđ, salat, skinka, ostur, egg, agúrka, tómatar, paprika, mangó-karrý sósa, chilimauk

Grain bread, salad, ham, cheese, egg, cucumber, tomato, peppers, mango-curry sauce and chili jam          1280 kr


Bóndasćla – Chili brauđ, bernaise, steiktur laukur, salat, roast beef, niđursođin paprika, döđlur, beikon og pik-nik.

Chilibread, bernaise, fried onions, salad, roast beef, pickled peppers, dates, bacon and pik-nik                  2400 kr


Grilluđ samloka – Grilluđ samloka međ skinku og osti

Grilled sandwich with ham and cheese                                                                                                                       780 kr


Grillađ panini m/pepperóní – Grillađ langlokubrauđ međ rjómaosti, pepperóní, kjúling, osti og barbeque sósu

Grilled panini with cream-cheese, pepperoni, chicken, cheese and barbeque sauce                                          1250 kr


Grillađ panini m/mozzarella – Grillađ langlokubrauđ međ hvítlauksolíu, tómötum og mozzarella-osti

Grilled panini with garlic oil, tomato, mozzarella-cheese                                                                                        1250 kr


Sósur / side sauces – Tómatsósa-Mangó-karrý sósa  - Hvítlaukssósa

Tomato sauce - Mangó-curry sauce -  Garlic sauce                                                                                        100-200 kr


Auka álegg                                                                                                                                                      

Extra toppings                                                                                                                                           200-350 kr